Sell Your Business in Sandy Springs, GA
We specialize in the sale of businesses in Sandy Springs, GA from small owner-operated businesses to large corporate entities.
As Business Brokers and Intermediaries, we review your financial records and company assets to determine at a recommended asking price for your business. We list the business for sale, gather and assemble information into a “package” to give to prospective buyers and oversee all of the steps necessary to get you from the original buyer inquiry through the closing of the sale.
Sandy Springs, Georgia Business Brokers
Our Sandy Springs, GA business broker, Tim Greene, has years of experience working with business buyers and sellers in Sandy Springs.
Tim knows what it takes for a business to succeed and understands how important your business is to you. He will walk you through the complex process and get you to the closing table.
Sandy Springs, Georgia
Business for Sale in Sandy Springs, GA
We provide buyer representation services to organizations looking to expand through acquisitions in the Sandy Springs area.
In most cases, acquisition targets are not currently listed for sale and are only available through a detailed search process.
As licensed Business Brokers and Consultants, using proven websites and connections, we have access to buyers and sellers in the Sandy Springs, GA area.